Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Remember your Family...

I know that sometimes those games really can suck you and you totally forget about what's going on around you. Most notably, what your family is up to. I've had the bad habit of paying more attention to my games than my family... even when they were from far out of town. I urge any serious gamer not to make that same mistake, since you'll regret missing those experiences someday. I for one have spent many a Thanksgiving playing computer or Nintendo games instead of spending time with my family and Grandparents, and now that family has changed so much since I was little. I could have spent a lot more time with my Grandmother before she died, and I could have spent a lot more time with everyone else that has visited on those special occasions.

I think it's important to remember that the game will always be there, but your family members may not be. You may as well put down the controller when far off relatives are visiting, because there will always be tomorrow when no one is around so you can play your games. Besides, some of those games aren't that great to be making this tradeoff anyways. I mean seriously, Command & Conquer: Renegade? Boy, I really wish I had spent more time with my relatives instead of playing my way through that game. I could have just waited a day and beaten it the next. Instead, I rushed to finish it while family was visiting,

What a silly, silly mistake!!

P.S. This also applies to girlfriends and wives. They really don't like when you pick your video games over them. Just a tiny bit of advice if you didn't already know!

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