Monday, December 13, 2004

A Gamer's Opinion on the PS

(16:55:11) PrezKennedy: the PS's 3D sucks so bad you may as well just play 2D
(16:55:41) PrezKennedy: its only one step up from StarFox... the original
(16:55:53) Conrad: not true!!!!!
(16:56:01) Conrad: you just hate Sony
(16:56:24) PrezKennedy: yeah because 99% of the games on that system looked like crap
(16:56:38) PrezKennedy: they literally deluge the market with crap
(16:56:46) Conrad: i won't deny that
(16:56:57) Conrad: but i don't buy crap anymore
(16:57:05) PrezKennedy: hahahahaha

Well, I thought it was worth mentioning anyways.

Nintendo all the way here!

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