My experiences with games of all types. I have more than 3,000 dating back to 1987, so I should know a little bit about them right?
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Old Skool on the N64
They're primitive boxy shapes with textures painted on the side. There aren't any sophisticated enhancements to make it look realistic, but yet the game still has its wacky charms. I believe it's possible for a game to stand on its own without killer graphics. In this case, Mystical Ninja has its unique fighting with massive robots, and the four different characters with their unique skills in order to keep the game interesting.
It's funny that my brother still enjoys this game so much. He was playing it yesterday on the Nintendo 64, even with its incredibly dated graphics. It's important to remember that while graphics can make a good game great, they won't make a bad game good. Prettier graphics with Mystical Ninja would definitely spice the game up a little, but it would still be the good quality fun that it has been for years.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Galaxy 5000
I'm having a little trouble with it too. I know there is a warp point that allows you to warp back from either Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn to Earth... giving you time to build up funds to purchase the almighty Stiletto spaceship. Sure, I'm enjoying the game otherwise, but I always love going back to Earth with the powerful Scorpion to crush the opposing forces on the track.
I've gone through the first five races about three times today looking for that stupid warp hole and I'm just not finding it! Where is that thing????
Monday, December 13, 2004
A Gamer's Opinion on the PS
(16:55:41) PrezKennedy: its only one step up from StarFox... the original
(16:55:53) Conrad: not true!!!!!
(16:56:01) Conrad: you just hate Sony
(16:56:24) PrezKennedy: yeah because 99% of the games on that system looked like crap
(16:56:38) PrezKennedy: they literally deluge the market with crap
(16:56:46) Conrad: i won't deny that
(16:56:57) Conrad: but i don't buy crap anymore
(16:57:05) PrezKennedy: hahahahaha
Well, I thought it was worth mentioning anyways.
Nintendo all the way here!
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Real Domain Name!
Alright, back to gaming!!
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Ongoing Games
Mario vs Donkey Kong

Advance Wars 2


I plan on doing some more posts like this one, maybe every weekend. Expect some interesting screenshots... and for other game shots definitely check out my Miscellany of pictures.
Newer Mario Games for the GBA
Mario Pinball Land has been a bit of a disappointment. The gameplay is pretty monotonous, even though the pinball levels are unique. You get to fight the usual array of Mario baddies and collect coins and stars, but after awhile it's just boring. I definitely have no interest in picking it up for the GameBoy Advance as it hasn't been very enjoyable.
Well, I'm going to head back and play some more Mario vs Donkey Kong... or maybe I'll try and beat the next level in Advance Wars 2. At least I'll have something to do on my freetime before this Christmas! Afterwards, well, hopefully I'll be able to play a new Nintendo DS!
Friday, December 10, 2004
SimCopter Ready for Takeoff!
After taking about one minute to install, I loaded up SimCopter and gave it a shot. Obviously, in this day and age it's possible to easily run the game at maximum settings with no problem whatsoever. Strangely enough, I had the game crash within a minute though. I restarted it and then put in the infamous I'm the CEO of McDonnell Douglas cheat code, and I had all of the helicopters at my disposal. I always enjoy flying the Apache and firing missiles at buildings. I have actually played through the game and accomplished my missions way back in the day. You can do a variety of things like rescue people, transport people, put out fires, shoot down UFO's, quell riots and summon public services.
The game is very open-ended, and if you have SimCity 2000, you can import your cities into it and fly around in them unrestricted. It's really helpful to have an airport, although the game will find a place to put a hangar if you don't have one. If you pick this game up, and can look past its dated graphics, you'll see a pretty fun helicopter rescue game underneath looking back at you.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
3D Makes the Game Not
Anyways, back to the DS and PSP. I like to make jokes about the PSP since it always looks so large in all of the advertisements for it. and I've taken a real interest in the DS. It really looks to be a fantastic system. I've even had the chance to play Super Mario 64 DS, and I can say that it played very nicely. The graphics were even better than the Nintendo 64 version. Strangely, my friends were saying that the PSP would be more of a PlayStation-on-the-go. I've always been of the impression that the Nintendo 64's graphics were pretty darn good, outshining the PlayStation easily.
They brought up how much better the 3D graphics were going to be, and I daresay, one even said that it would be immersive. Hold on, immersive?? The screen isn't very big. How can it be immersive? We got into an argument over whether 3D really matters... and here I am now, talking about why I'm perfectly happy with 2D games.
I personally don't think it matters. I'm really looking forward to the newest Mario game on the DS, which won't be 3D. As long as the game looks beautiful and of high-quality, 2D is just fine with me. A nice side-scrolling shooter is great too. Ever played Raiden Trad? Very good game! In the end, as long as the game is fun, 3D just doesn't matter.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Quick Rundown of Today's Games
Race Drivin' (SNES) - slow, unresponsive, worthless
Revolution X (SNES) - slow, boring
Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis) - fast-paced, repetitive
Super Dodge Ball (NES) - repetitive, fun
Super Dodgeball Advance (GBA) - repetitive, fun
Super Battleship (SNES) - fun, valuable
StarFox Competition (SNES) - rehashed time attack
Monday, December 06, 2004
Playing Paperboy 2...
Well, Paperboy 2 simply adds to that. You can play on both sides of the road now (not at the same time though), and you also have much more to avoid and throw your newspapers at. The game will keep you busy for a few hours before you'll begin to lose interest due to its repetitiveness, but you'll come back to play again later. The game has about 21 levels or more, one for each day of the week on three different courses.
I'll post the review up soon on
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Advance Wars 2 is Pretty Cool...
For the second one, it's very similar to the first. There are new tactics, a few new units, and the graphics have been updated slightly. At the core however, the gameplay hasn't changed a bit. I'm more interested in this game than its prequel, so something must have changed. I've played the first few levels of the game and I'm really enjoying it. Advance Wars 2 also has all the usual options like multiplayer and skirmishes for quicker battles, but I've only been focusing on playing the campaign so far.
I highly recommend you check this game out if you liked the first one, or even if you like strategy games in general. You won't be disappointed that something this nice comes in such a small package!
Saturday, December 04, 2004
So Many Games to Try (The First Being ActRaiser)
Last night for instance, I was playing ActRaiser, an old game for the Super Nintendo. I actually ended up playing it for about two hours... fighting enemies and building up my towns. Unfortunately the town-building element isn't very complex, but it's still fun to pass the time with. I'll have the review up soon on
Friday, December 03, 2004
FarCry on a Radeon 9800PRO
I can run FarCry at its maximum settings and it runs perfectly. I was drooling when I saw the lighting and shadow effects. It looks simply stunning. It reminds me of the first time I saw the lights swinging in Donkey Kong Country, and how realistic they looked. The difference here is that the light can be shot, making the light and shadows dance in the room. The water effects are beautiful too, the fluidity of it all makes it look so realistic. The only thing it needs are water droplets and footprints in the sand to complete the realistic look.
Now I'll definitely need to complete the game. I have no excuses to avoid it since it runs so beautifully. Looks like I know what I'll be doing this weekend (inbetween projects...)
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Super Mario Brothers 3
I bought the original edition of the game when it came out back in 1990, when I was just seven years old. I still remember staying up a little late to play it, with my mom and brother watching me play. It wasn't a very difficult game other than a few parts, and I'm fairly certain I still haven't visited every single level in it... and I probably never will since I know the secrets to get the warp whistles and jump right to World 8. Besides, World 7, the Pipe World, was an annoying complex of mazes and other hazards.
I've beaten Super Mario Brothers 3 several times, and I'll tell you its one of the best games around. If you'd like to see someone beat it using an emulator (to pull off some crazy moves), you should check out that and some other stuff on Open Source Gaming's Miscellaneous Downloads. I felt it was worth showing to others, even if it was fabricated. Isn't it amazing what you can do with an emulator? I remember spending untold lives trying to get through some of those levels. I would have to imagine I'd spend a lot more lives trying to beat the game today.
If you've never played Super Mario Brothers 3, I highly suggest you pick it up for the GameBoy Advance SP or the Nintendo DS. Honestly though, how could you have never played Super Mario Brothers 3? :-P
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
My First Super NES Game
Christmas 1995...
The entire family was in Maryland for Christmas that year. My grandfather and uncle from Illinois had traveled nearly 900 miles to visit us. It would be an exciting Christmas... and a memorable one too.
The whole family was downstairs getting ready for Christmas dinner and we were playing our very first Super Nintendo game, even though the SNES had been out for a few years by that point. Donkey Kong Country, a revolutionary game in the graphics department, was easily able to surpass anything else out on the market. Compared to even the 32X, it was simply beautiful. The pre-rendered graphics allowed the SNES to run the game, even though the CPU is slower than the Sega Genesis.
We had been playing it almost all day, and by dinnertime, we had reached the Treetop village and we were fighting our way through tons of barrel shooting puzzles. Right when we were about to turn the game off to go eat dinner, the power went out. Fortunately we had saved earlier, but some of our progress had been lost along the way.
We would end up enjoying a candlelit dinner, since the power was out. Strangely enough, this power outage only affected our street, and even then it didn't affect one of the houses at the top of the street. I guess they were on a different line or something. So, we ended up having a memorable Christmas, and that's the same time I got Donkey Kong Country, still one of my most highly regarded console games. Even though we didn't get to play it that night because the power didn't turn back on until around 2 AM, we still had an enjoyable night with the family celebrating Christmas. :-)
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Remember your Family...
I know that sometimes those games really can suck you and you totally forget about what's going on around you. Most notably, what your family is up to. I've had the bad habit of paying more attention to my games than my family... even when they were from far out of town. I urge any serious gamer not to make that same mistake, since you'll regret missing those experiences someday. I for one have spent many a Thanksgiving playing computer or Nintendo games instead of spending time with my family and Grandparents, and now that family has changed so much since I was little. I could have spent a lot more time with my Grandmother before she died, and I could have spent a lot more time with everyone else that has visited on those special occasions.
I think it's important to remember that the game will always be there, but your family members may not be. You may as well put down the controller when far off relatives are visiting, because there will always be tomorrow when no one is around so you can play your games. Besides, some of those games aren't that great to be making this tradeoff anyways. I mean seriously, Command & Conquer: Renegade? Boy, I really wish I had spent more time with my relatives instead of playing my way through that game. I could have just waited a day and beaten it the next. Instead, I rushed to finish it while family was visiting,
What a silly, silly mistake!!
P.S. This also applies to girlfriends and wives. They really don't like when you pick your video games over them. Just a tiny bit of advice if you didn't already know!
Monday, November 29, 2004
Worst Game Ever - Back to the Future for NES
When people complain about Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. for being a really lame game that was really buggy and didn't even work out the box... I agree with them. But, when they say it's the worst game ever, our paths diverge. I've played Back to the Future on the NES, and that was the worst experience I've ever had. I felt so stupid after buying that game that for the longest time I wouldn't even mention that I owned it.
The game starts out in Hill Valley, 1955. You have to evade obstacles, crazy people with hoola-hoops and other things while you skateboard up towards the top of the screen. The first level, while annoying, is fairly easy to complete. Unfortunately, the second level is where it all goes downhill. Downhill to the point that in all the years that I've owned the game, I've never tried to beat it. Basically it plays a little like Root Beer tapper, except you throw stuff at goons in order to keep them off your back. You have to take out 100 of them to progress. Before making it even halfway, it becomes incredibly difficult. You may as well pick up a Game Genie if you want to progress beyond that point.
I've never bothered with the game since then. It's simply so bad I can't stand to even consider popping it in and playing it. I just thought it would be a fitting way to start of my new gaming experiences journal. :-)
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